34 Days to Dragon*Con: Band Profile, Emerald Rose


Emerald Rose is the other band I saw my first year at Dragon*Con.  They were playing at the Firefly Shindig (which I think no longer exists maybe?  I’m one of those people who very much enjoys Firefly but doesn’t quite understand all the hype, mostly because I am a bigger fan of Buffy and Angel, and also because I thought that Dollhouse had a much stronger and more interesting premise, and also I don’t really like Westerns.  Anyway).

Emerald Rose is a Celtic folk-rock band that is based in northern Georgia.   They have played many fancy places, including a few Lord of the Rings Oscars parties.  They’re one of the bigger draws at Dragon*Con, as far as I can tell.  Celtic folk-rock isn’t really my thing, but they were enjoyable enough.  Some awkward folkish dancing happened, if I remember correctly.  Basically awkward white people dancing.

Here is their Dragon*Con bio, and here is their website (I totally love that their motto is “Celtic Music That Rocks!). Here is their actually incredibly helfpul description on their website: “North Georgia‘s EMERALD ROSE has been recording and performing for around 20 years, weaving their musical spell on audiences as diverse as Irish pubs and festivals, sci-fi conventions, and Hollywood cast parties! Blending vocal harmonies, Celtic and world music instrumentation, unique and diverse songwriting, rocking renditions of Irish and Scottish classics, and an energetic performance style, Emerald Rose entertains.”  See?  Helpful.  Also, men in kilts!

Here is some of their music:

Talking points:

-Celtic folk-rock

-Men in kilts

-Strong Firefly allegiance.

One thumb up.  If I stumbled onto their show, I’d probably hang around for a bit.